Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Anjali cries foul on pub controversy

Bad times of Anjali are extending month by month. Last couple of years, she does not have anything to mention or feel positive about. One after other, the name of Anjali is striking the headlines in negative sense. Two days back, we heard about an inebriated Anjali getting into a dirty brawl with Pub management at mid night while partying hard with friends. A shocked Anjali gave an official statement on no way she was involved with the controversy.
‘Actually, I went to pub for attending a party at 9PM. After staying there for a while, I returned home safely. When media men asked me to pose for cameras, I denied their proposal because it was a private gathering. I did not any alcohol before I left the place. When I wasn’t present on the spot, how can media add my name into the brawl? You people can cross check the video footage available with pub management and you don’t find me in clippings,’ Anjali said

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