Deepika Padukone, who has made strong statements about women's rights in a short video, is an example of a single woman who lives by her own rules and has fought against the odds in a male-dominated industry to reach her position, says the video's director Homi Adajania.
Adajania's over two-minute visual piece for Vogue is based on a powerful poem called "My Choice", written by Kersi Khambatta. It talks about every woman’s right to equality and Deepika has not only contributed to the words and visual concept, but also lent her voice to the film.
Adajania's over two-minute visual piece for Vogue is based on a powerful poem called "My Choice", written by Kersi Khambatta. It talks about every woman’s right to equality and Deepika has not only contributed to the words and visual concept, but also lent her voice to the film.
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