Poonam's Massage Video For Sri Rama Navami March 28th, 2015, 02:00 PM IST An advertisement in papers today has seriously shocked Telugu cinema lovers as it clears the air that our producers need only an occasion in the name of publicity and never consider about the sentiments of people."Malini and Co" is an upcoming Telugu film featuring Twitter's dirty star Poonam Pandey in the lead. Already the trailer of this film was released long back and it received a mediocre response. Today, the makers have come up with a paper ad that wishes people on the eve of Lord Rama's "kalyanam" that is celebrated across India. Featuring Poonam in a sexiest pose, where she oozes loads of sex appeal, the poster and ad are quite a misfit for the day. Not stopping there makers have promised to release a video, titled Massage song, and the very name rings butterflies.Cine lovers may get surprised with these dirty acts on holy days but there are those who ask, if a wine shop could be named Rama wines and Lakshmi liquors, why not a 'massage video' releases on Navami eve.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Poonam's Massage Video For Sri Rama Navami
Poonam's Massage Video For Sri Rama Navami March 28th, 2015, 02:00 PM IST An advertisement in papers today has seriously shocked Telugu cinema lovers as it clears the air that our producers need only an occasion in the name of publicity and never consider about the sentiments of people."Malini and Co" is an upcoming Telugu film featuring Twitter's dirty star Poonam Pandey in the lead. Already the trailer of this film was released long back and it received a mediocre response. Today, the makers have come up with a paper ad that wishes people on the eve of Lord Rama's "kalyanam" that is celebrated across India. Featuring Poonam in a sexiest pose, where she oozes loads of sex appeal, the poster and ad are quite a misfit for the day. Not stopping there makers have promised to release a video, titled Massage song, and the very name rings butterflies.Cine lovers may get surprised with these dirty acts on holy days but there are those who ask, if a wine shop could be named Rama wines and Lakshmi liquors, why not a 'massage video' releases on Navami eve.
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