Salman Khan's girl Zareen Khan is all set to make her Tollywood Debut soon. Zareen, who is lookalike of Katrina Kaif, was cast opposite Salman in Veer and shot to fame with her splashy debut. Salman hand-picked Zareen after parting ways with his ex-girlfriend Katrina who is reportedly seeing Ranbir Kappor. And Zareen is known as Jr Katrina.The latest is that Zareen is eyeing Telugu film industry and buzz is that she will be romancing none other than hero Srikanth in his upcoming film Jalsa Rayudu. Director Sudheer Raju is said to be in touch with Zareen for the last month. When she was approached for the film and narrated the story, she reportedly excited and agreed to do it. However, negotiations are going on regarding remunerations part and she is expected to sign the film once both parties reach a common point.Billed to be a romantic drama, Srikanth will be seen in a rustic character. Besides Zareen, the film also features Esther and Prachi Sharma in pivotal roles. After playing Ram Charan's uncle in Govindudu Andarivadele, Srikanth is back to lead roles.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Jr Katrina Kaif Set for Tollywood Debut!!!
Salman Khan's girl Zareen Khan is all set to make her Tollywood Debut soon. Zareen, who is lookalike of Katrina Kaif, was cast opposite Salman in Veer and shot to fame with her splashy debut. Salman hand-picked Zareen after parting ways with his ex-girlfriend Katrina who is reportedly seeing Ranbir Kappor. And Zareen is known as Jr Katrina.The latest is that Zareen is eyeing Telugu film industry and buzz is that she will be romancing none other than hero Srikanth in his upcoming film Jalsa Rayudu. Director Sudheer Raju is said to be in touch with Zareen for the last month. When she was approached for the film and narrated the story, she reportedly excited and agreed to do it. However, negotiations are going on regarding remunerations part and she is expected to sign the film once both parties reach a common point.Billed to be a romantic drama, Srikanth will be seen in a rustic character. Besides Zareen, the film also features Esther and Prachi Sharma in pivotal roles. After playing Ram Charan's uncle in Govindudu Andarivadele, Srikanth is back to lead roles.
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