Power Star's former life partner Renu Desai was always in the news from the time of her social media entry. She has been the number one target for the fans of Pawan Kalyan and other heroes. Though she gets pampered most of the times, she gets bombarded with senseless questions and obscene remarks at times. Responding to the latest assault by a group of trespassers on her Twitter account, Renu has asked the fans of all the heroes to fight among themselves and requested them not to drag the women. 'When you fans fight with each other, why to abuse wife, mother & sisters of the hero? You better abuse each other! What have those innocent ladies done bad to you,' tweeted Renu Desai.This was not the first time that Renu got offended by the comments of Twitterati and other social media jerks. There was a point of time when she has thought of bidding a good-bye to her Twitter friends, but remained calm since then. And with the new attacks, she has responded with a request. Let's see if she is courageous enough to take some more flak or close down her account after being the common target!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Power Star's former life partner Renu Desai was always in the news from the time of her social media entry. She has been the number one target for the fans of Pawan Kalyan and other heroes. Though she gets pampered most of the times, she gets bombarded with senseless questions and obscene remarks at times. Responding to the latest assault by a group of trespassers on her Twitter account, Renu has asked the fans of all the heroes to fight among themselves and requested them not to drag the women. 'When you fans fight with each other, why to abuse wife, mother & sisters of the hero? You better abuse each other! What have those innocent ladies done bad to you,' tweeted Renu Desai.This was not the first time that Renu got offended by the comments of Twitterati and other social media jerks. There was a point of time when she has thought of bidding a good-bye to her Twitter friends, but remained calm since then. And with the new attacks, she has responded with a request. Let's see if she is courageous enough to take some more flak or close down her account after being the common target!
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